Access to the Removed by FileMaker folder in OttoFMS

It would be helpful to have access to the Removed By FileMaker folder via OttoFMS. We have use cases where we temporarily restore a backup file on the server for a client to see how the data looked on a certain date in time. When they are done we remove the file, but we can’t delete them permanently from the server when they are hosted on Ottomatic Cloud. Well, technically we can because we have SFTP access setup on our hosted servers but that’s not the standard config and it’s a whole seperate app / interface we need to log into to do it.


Oh… that is a good one. I can see how that would be useful.


Added to the list!


+1… we would also love to have access to that folder via OttoFMS!

Hey yall,

These folders are available via the database folders in the OttoFMS File Manager starting in version 4.5.0!
