Bad Gateway error for OttoFMS on my first deployment

I’m trying to get my first deployment working with OttoFMS and I think I have almost everything setup. But when I try to run the deployment, OttoFMS on the destination server reports, “Build server is unreachable: HTTP error: 502 - Bad Gateway: undefined”
Did I miss something on the setup? I can’t find this error in the troubleshooting area in OttoFMS docs. Did I miss a configuration step on my source or destination?


I would restart Otto and give it another shot. Occasionally I’ve had to restart the FM Service.

Hi Tom

How many servers are you using?

Did you log into and activate all the OttoFMs servers with your license?



Hi Todd,

I’m only doing a test deployment from my main dev server to one of my deploy servers for now. I activated dev and deploy with my license key. I was able to set up the servers in the OttoDeploy and setup the deployment with a few files without any issues.
I tried restarting OttoFMS on the source and destination via the OttoFMS setting page and on the servers themselves in the Services windows app.

Still getting the 502 error


I haven’t uninstalled the old version of Otto on either of the systems. Could that be an issue? I didn’t want to uninstall them yet until I was able to confirm that OttoFMS works.

you should be able to temporarily run Otto 3 and OttoFMS at the same time. That shouldn’t be a problem. We don’t want you to do that for a long time. But you should be able to test like this.

Are you running the latest version of OttoFMS?

Could you restart your HTTP Server on the Source server? Then try it again.

Let us know



I restarted the source server, since I had to install some OS updates anyway. I still got the 502 error. But I noticed an UnauthorizedError in the otto-error.log and went back and verified that I had the Admin API Keys between the server setup correctly.
So I’m still not sure what the problem is. I tried to upload the otto-error.log file but I’m a new user and can’t upload files. Here’s a copy of the contents since yesterday.

2024-02-21T00:45:24.865Z error UnauthorizedError: Token is missing - {service:express-error-handler}
2024-02-21T01:08:07.350Z error DeploymentError: JIT_BUILD_ERROR - Build server is unreachable: HTTP error: 502 - Bad Gateway: undefined
2024-02-21T01:08:11.298Z error UnauthorizedError: Token is missing - {service:express-error-handler}
2024-02-21T01:27:25.683Z error UnauthorizedError: Token is missing - {service:express-error-handler}
2024-02-21T01:49:44.751Z error DeploymentError: JIT_BUILD_ERROR - Build server is unreachable: HTTP error: 502 - Bad Gateway: undefined
2024-02-21T01:51:27.152Z error UnauthorizedError: Token is missing - {service:express-error-handler}
2024-02-21T01:51:45.809Z error Unhandled Rejection in Promise: Error: Local Admin API error: fetch failed: Error: read ECONNRESET
2024-02-21T01:52:23.982Z error UnauthorizedError: Token is missing - {service:express-error-handler}
2024-02-21T01:53:24.743Z error DeploymentError: JIT_BUILD_ERROR - Build server is unreachable: HTTP error: 502 - Bad Gateway: undefined
2024-02-21T02:01:56.016Z error DeploymentError: JIT_BUILD_ERROR - Build server is unreachable: HTTP error: 502 - Bad Gateway: undefined
2024-02-21T02:05:05.055Z error DeploymentError: JIT_BUILD_ERROR - Build server is unreachable: HTTP error: 502 - Bad Gateway: undefined
2024-02-21T18:31:08.717Z error DeploymentError: JIT_BUILD_ERROR - Build server is unreachable: HTTP error: 502 - Bad Gateway: undefined
2024-02-21T18:32:27.287Z error UnauthorizedError: Token is missing - {service:express-error-handler}
2024-02-21T19:02:04.770Z error DeploymentError: JIT_BUILD_ERROR - Build server is unreachable: HTTP error: 502 - Bad Gateway: undefined

Do you have any sort of firewall or ip address filtering set up on your server? The ECONNRESET error and the 502 gateway errors make me think that OttoFMS is having trouble connecting.

The token error you’re seeing is what OttoFMS fires when your session expires in the web console, those errors probably correspond to you having to log back into the console.


Is there a requirement for adding a firewall rule for the OttoFMS service that was similar to the older Otto service for port 3030? I wasn’t aware there is a specific port for OttoFMS, so is it more any port? The server is running Windows Server 2019 Datacenter. I’ll need to get out IT department involved since I hate messing with the Defender firewall.


There is not a similar rule as there was in Otto v3, OttoFMS uses the same port as FileMaker Server on 443. Do you want to DM me and we can set up some time to hop on a call and look at it?


Thanks Kyle. Sure I can DM you. I have a meeting from 12:00 to 12:30 pacific, so in 5 minutes. I can DM after that. I’m not sure how to do that. I found your profile page but there isn’t a DM option. If you can DM me I’ll be available at 12:30 :slight_smile:


Hey Tom,

OttoFMS version 4.1.1 should help some with the ECONNRESET error that we saw on our call earlier. Let us know if you continue having issues!


Thanks, Kyle, I’ll download it and test it out later today.



I was busy on projects for the last few weeks and was able to download the 4.3.1 and my migrations are working!
I’ll push full speed ahead now to transition to using OttoFMS for our deployments. I’ll let you know if I find issues.
I’m loving the updates since 4.1.1!!

Thats great to hear Tom!! Let us know if you hit any other snags.
