Deployment Filter Funniness

For some reason, when I filter my deployment list for “East1” the deployment “CM Demo v18” is included. The string “East1” isn’t anywhere in the configuration for “CM Demo v18”.
Here is the filtered list:

Here are the details of “CM Demo v18”:



Hey Jeff,

The filter in the deployments list filters via all of the columns (even the hidden ones), and it does a little bit of fuzzy filtering, so words that are one or two letters off might be matched. If you show the files column I suspect that it will highlight the file that it is matching against.

Would you rather it do exact matching only?


Personally, I would prefer exact matching. My deployment list is long.

I exposed all of the columns, still no “East1” in the deployment “CM Demo v18”.


hmm that is strange. I’ll add an option for exact matching to our list. Thanks for the report Jeff!


Hey Jeff,

In version 1.2.0, the deployments and build lists will now only do exact matching. Thanks!


Works great! Thanks.