Feature request - Being able to set Concurrent File Operations for specific servers

My development servers are intentionally underpowered to cut costs and also help with finding slowness in processes while developing. When I migrate between dev servers, I set Concurrent File Operations to 1 and set it to 2 for migrating to the production server which can handle the concurrancy.

There have been times when I’ve duplicated a deployment and forgot to set the Concurrent File Operations back to 1 for dev-to-dev migrations and overloaded the destination server.

It would be nice to have the option to set the Concurrent File Operations in the Server setup and have it default to the setting for migrations using the server.


Hey Tom,

I envision this as a “Max Concurrent Operations” setting or something similar. It would be a server setting that could override the concurrency that gets sent in. Is that what you’re thinking of? That way you could set it to 2 on your prod server and still choose to do 1 or 2 but if you chose 3 it would go down to 2.



Yes, that sounds great. I mainly want to avoid duplicating a deployment and forgetting to check the concurrency setting, which is what happened recently. I’d rather have the lower concurrency setting than overload the server.


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Sounds good Tom! I’ll get this on our list, it might end up as a env variable that you could set using env files


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