How do you set up Slack Notifications

The release notes for version 4.3 state that you can setup slack notifications and it states to check the documentation for instructions on how to set it up. I’ve checked the documentation and the FMS console and I cannot find any reference to Slack other then mention in the release notes. What am I missing?

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In the announcement of 4.3.0 kduval writes “(coming soon to an OttoDeploy version near you)” So I think we are waiting for the next OttoDeploy deployment.


Yes, this will be made easier to configure in the next release of OttoDeploy! If you’re not using OttoDeploy, you can see how to set a Slack URL in the “Start Deployment” endpoint of the OttoFMS Developer API, at the path deployments[0].options.notifications[0].channelUrl

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Thanks guys for the clarification.

Hey y’all,

I’ll be setting up a page in the docs today calling this out and letting you grab a channelUrl for the slack bot, but as Eric calls out the only way to use it currently is through the developer api (which can be pretty easily run using the copied JSON from OttoDeploy and a program like Postman). I’ll let you know when the docs page is up and running so you can grab a url if you want to use this through the developer API!

I expect that we will have a new version of OttoDeploy which makes this feature and a couple other features from 4.3.0 available to you in the next week or two. I will post an announcement in the community once it is released!


New docs running through setting up Slack notifications with the developer API can be found here. These docs will be updated to walk through setting up notifications in OttoDeploy once the new update releases.

Thanks y’all! Let me know if you have any questions about setting this up in the API.


I love the Slack notifications! I hate having to set them up for each sub-deployment…

I have 14 servers, 300+ sub-deployments defined. It takes FOREVER to assign the Slack notification to each sub-deployment. As I add them the interface slows down, opening and editing.

Why is the Slack notification on the sub-deployment and not on the deployment master?


Hi Jeff,

We have thought about this a bit. I think we decided that we would add them at SubDeployment level, first, but later provide an override at the deployment level.

So we’ll come back to it at some point soon.



As for the reasoning, we added to the individual sub-deployment so to support a multi-tenancy case. We figured y’all may want to use slack notifications to notify your customers when deployments were happening. If your deployment does 6 sub-deployments and each sub-deployment is a set of files for a different customer on a single server, then you may want to send different slack notifications per sub-deployment to make sure each customer gets the notifications that are applicable to them.

I agree that if you’re setting up a lot of them it can be clunky, as Todd said we are going to work on ways to make it a bit easier. We’ve been tossing around the idea of some way to mass-edit deployments, maybe we’ll start by setting it up with mass-editing deployment advanced options like notifications since they are not specific to each file.


I understand the multi-tenancy case. None of our customers use Slack.

That is my case except I’m not notifying my customers, I am using it to let me know when the deployment is done for me.

Bulk editing would be great.



This is the same situation for us.