Maximum Deployment Backups to Keep vs. Deployments with sub-deployments

I was testing the app for multiple different scenarios (install, migrate, staging, prod, etc) with a solution that has over 20 files. To help with the stability (I’ll send feedback this as well), I created a deployment with 6 sub-deployments that have around 4 files in each.
On OttoFMS, I kept the default settings to keep the last 3 deployment backups.
However I’ve noticed that those backups are done at the sub-deployment level and not at the deployment level. This means that I will not be able to roll back half of my sub-deployments in case of a problem.
I think the number of backups to keep should be at the deployment level no matter how many sub-deployments a deployment may have. OttoFMS settings should not be validated/changed every time we create a new deployment.

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Hello Francois,

Thank you for the feedback! This is on our list to fix as it should reflect the deployment number instead of the sub-deployments. Let us know if you have any other issues or thoughts while getting things set up!


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Thank you Kyle. I will have other feedback/issues. I’m gathering all the info before posting those.
BTW, this is a game changer piece of software. Keep your excellent work.

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Hello Francois!

This change went in with version 4.2.3! Backups are now grouped by deployment rather than sub-deployment (with each sub-deployment as a sub-folder). This means the setting will now apply to a number of deployments rather than a number of sub-deployments. Thanks for the report! Let us know if you have any other problems!


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This is really good news, thanks!

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