New Ottomatic Raycast extension!

Raycast is a tool we love here at Proof+Geist. If you don’t use it already, you’re missing out! It’s self described as “A collection of powerful productivity tools all within an extendable launcher.” and has hundreds of additional extensions to integrate with any workflow.

Ottomatic is no exception…

With the Ottomatic extension, you can search all your servers across multiple organizations. For each server, quickly access its dashboard, files or clients list, or launch the FMS Admin Console or OttoFMS console.

You can also quickly launch your favorites, whether that’s a favorite FileMaker file, Server, or URL.

To install, click here!


this is fantastic @eric.luce thank you.

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could there be a way once you search your server present a list of 3 options with fewest clicks or keystrokes?

  • Launch Cloud Console
  • Launch OttoFMS
  • Launch FMS Console

I think you can do this by hitting Command-K when you’ve highlighted the server you want to target…

Yes, @JamesG is correct. ⌘+K is the correct way to do this. Once you’re in the action menu, you can search it to get those actions.

I could add direct keyboard shortcuts to those actions, but they must be set in the extension and are not customizable. What shortcuts would you prefer?