OttoDeploy version 1.0.1 released!

Hey y’all,

OttoDeploy version 1.0.1 was released this morning! This is our first schema update and also our first non-beta version! This version includes some ui fixes like making the file select modal have a height limit and adding clarity about where schema and data are coming from during migrations. In the schema we have made some adjustments to scripts to hopefully cut down on the number of beeps from FileMaker, and we have added a file icon! See the full list in the Changelog

If you are currently on version 0.1.0-beta.10, upgrading should be as simple as clicking the “Upgrade Now” button in the bottom left and following the instructions. The window that pops up will ask for the server the file is hosted on, as well as the username, password, and encryption key. Once you enter those OttoDeploy will close and a migration will run which will upgrade the schema for you. After the migration completes you can open the file again and you will be on the new version!

If you were unable to upgrade to version 0.1.0-beta.10 before this release, you will almost certainly have a failed deployment if you try the above strategy. There was an error in the schema migration setup before version beta.10. There are two ways you can get around this error:

Option 1 (the simple option) is to close and delete your existing OttoDeploy file and redeploy it from OttoFMS. This step has the downside that you will need to rebuild the servers and deployments that you have in your OttoDeploy.

Option 2 is to set up a migration using OttoDeploy! You can use “” as your url source, which has version 1 of OttoDeploy. Then just migrate the public build version into your copy of OttoDeploy! You should use the default username/password/encryption key for the source file and your credentials for the destination. I recommend running the post deployment script “post_deployment_script” with this migration, as this will automatically fetch you the newest web version when you open the application next.

If you run into any problems with the upgrade, please post in the community and we will do what we can to help. Thank you all so much for your feedback during the beta period!


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