OttoFMS version 4.0.5 released!

Hey y’all,

OttoFMS version 4.0.5 has been released! This is our first full release version coming out of the beta period. This version has a few bug fixes and a couple of small ui updates. See the full list in the Changelog.

Thanks for all of your feedback during the beta period, I can’t wait to see what y’all do next!



Instructions for upgrading from Otto 3 to 4??
Is it now considered safe to use for production?
What do we do with previously paid licences?

Hi John,

Yes it is ready for production. Otto 3 is no longer for sale, but it will be supported for about 18 months. If you have Otto3 you may or may not want to rush to upgrade depending on your scenario.

We tried to cover all these questions in this page in the docs.

and it’s to two sub-pages

Let us know if we missed anything or if we can improve these in any way.



Read those in detail, they cover all of my initial questions, good to see that there are some things that you will be working on.

Maybe an idiots guide to ‘this is how you did things in Migrator’ here is ‘how to do the same thing in Deploy’ with pictures/video clips?? Because while you ‘can’ run them both so you could switch between them both you do hint that’s not best practise…

Bit of guidance on likely timeframe will help make the decision about whether to run v3 till just before its renewal date, or pay and run it for the rest of 2024…