Remote Storage connection issue

I just updated to FMS19.6.4. I then uninstalled Otto v3 and then installed OttoFMS v4. I have put in the settings for remote S3 storage. When I did the Test it took a very long time but eventually came back with the following error: “Can’t connect Connection failed! Failed to copy: SerializationError: failed to unmarshal error message status code: 404”. I restarted OttoFMS then tried again and got this error: “Can’t connect Connection failed! jwt is invalid or expired”.
Any suggestions how to fix this?

Hey Andrew,

Which S3 provider are you using for your offsite storage? Have you taken a look at our Offsite Backup Provider docs?

It looks like there are similar errors when putting in an invalid storage endpoint, have you double checked that the endpoint you put in is correct?


I’m using S3 and the Sydney endpoint I’m using is

Otto v3 didn’t ask for one. Yet it worked. Can I use whatever endpoint you used for that? Or do I have to now create an Endpoint in AWS or is there away to find what it is for the existing bucket?

Hey Andrew,

The AWS endpoints normally have the structure s3.{region} or {bucket_name}.s3.{region}

In your case I would try or the same with your bucket at the beginning. Let me know if either of those work for you!


Thanks Kyle, that endpoint that you supplied work. Could you add that to the help documents or add a ‘?’ bubble next to that input field?

Yes! I’m planning on adding an entry to our offsite backup providers page about AWS S3. I’ll get that in soon!
