Video of a 30GB deployment with data migration


I thought it would do a little demo of OttoFMS and Otto Deploy running a 30Gb data migration. The migration from start to finish is 13 minutes and change.

There have been a number of threads in the community lat week about OttoFMS having trouble with large files. We are working to improve both that process itself and the documentation on how to make it work. But those issues are only when you are trying to deploy a large amount of data from one server to another, an important case, but not the only thing OttoFMS does.

Here is a video of OttoFMS easily handing a 30GB Data migration. The difference here is that we aren’t moving huge data files. The data is all staying on production, and it works like a dream

The video is about is about 17 minutes long. The middle section, about 10 minutes is pretty quiet as I am just waiting for the migration to complete.



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It would be helpful to have a setting that would give us the option to watch the stacking the verbose detailed log instead of only showing the terse summary of the moment actions.

Having this with the duration allows us to analyze data as it progressing vs waiting until the very end to review.

Yup agreed. We have plans for this.



Also at the moment the deployment detail screen is a bit “jumpy”, with the columns always resizing from each screen to the next. Would be nice for them (the labels at least) to be oft static length.




Hey Tobias, Are you talking about the deployment details screen during a running deployment in OttoFMS? Or is this a different screen? And when you say from one screen to the next are you talking about switching tabs or when new data comes in and the columns change sizes? Just want to make sure I know which area to take a look at!



Yes, during the deployment in the deployment screen. And yes, when the data comes in the column sizes change.

Thanks for the feedback Tobias! We’re planning on reworking that table a bit in a coming version, this will likely be handled when we do that!


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